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English Mass Cafe Opened 오블라띠 영어미사 카페오픈(2007.10.6)

글쓴이 : Joseph M. Lee
작성일 : 07-10-06 22:19 조회수 : 22,015
We are pleased to inform you The Internet Cafe of the English Mass held by O.M.I was opened on Oct. 6, 2007 to promote our activities.


We hope you will join our Cafe saying  Hello. You can leave some Messages of Love and communicate each other asking and answering about English Mass.

Joseph M. Lee

오블라띠 선교회 '영어미사'모임을 더욱 활성화하기 위해
 <영어미사 카페>를 2007년 10월 6일 오픈하였습니다


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